Pilates Practice Pointers: The Transitions

Gearing up for the school year ahead got me thinking about the power of transitions:  they can either make or break an experience.  It wasn’t long before I realized that as goes in life, so goes in the studio.  Threading the exercises together with a minimum of motion can take your Pilates workout to a whole new level because you NEVER STOP moving through your breathing center.  Your only break comes at the end of your sequence which will last anywhere from 10 minutes for a simple mat workout to 40 minutes for a complete reformer workout.  Your heart will be pumping, you’ll be sweating, and your breath will be quickened, but the workout is still moderate, isn’t that fabulous?!  And if that’s not enough…I can’t remember a time when such a workout didn’t lift my mood.

If you are interested in perfecting your transitions, be prepared to climb a learning curve.  It will take a considerable amount of focus on deliberate movements and you’ll need to exercise your mental ability to remember the sequence.  Once you’ve done it though, the payoff will last for the duration of your life – once you’ve got Pilates in your body, it’s yours to keep forever.